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Are we too opinionated online?

Amanda Holding was at the centre of last weekends buzzing headlines after she critcised parenting website Mumsnet’s users for negative comments made about her going back to work three weeks after giving birth.

Comments such as ‘I’m sure she could afford to take a few more weeks off, let’s not pretend she’s desperate for money’ were seen by many as to far and too harsh.

After all this being said and done, we at UTCT wanted to ask:

Do you feel you or others are too opinionated when online?

Have you ever felt that it is easier to voice your opinion online rather than face to face? Or that you say a lot more than you normally would when face to face?

For Example:

You are having a coffee with a friend and they tell you something which you feel is wrong/not what you would do or have a different opinion about.

Do you A: Smile and give a honest but nice answer as you wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings? or do you B: Tell them what they are doing is wrong and in a negative way tell your friend you completely disagree?

If you chosen option A (which the majority would have) then why do some people say more when online rather than face to face?,

However if this question was posed on an online discussion network would you be far more forward to the extent where you could potentially be offensive? or in the eyes of the reader, negative?

This happened on Mumsnet where Amanda Holding felt comments made were not supportive to mums but more ‘criticising, judging and having a go at each other’

When typing up a blog post, on a discussion forum, facebook or even a simple tweet do you read it back to yourself? or do you just hit the powerful send button? as readers may read your comment in a completely different way than what is intended.

Do you ever become more opinionated when online? Have you ever posted on a topic where you have said something harsh but not meaning for it to come across as such? or do you feel this is your opinion and you are entitled to it?

Comment using our comment box below.

To read the full Amanda Holding/Mumsnet article please visit: Daily Mail

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