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Christmas Cards Thirties Style

From stamped images to 3D pop out cards and e-cards, UnderTheChristmasTree take’s a look at what sending a Christmas card was like in the 1930’s.

Since the first christmas card was was posted with a 1d stamp back in 1843 , the number of cards sent annually in the UK continues to grow.

Back in the thirties cards tended to feature a stamped image with a greeting below rather than the highly decorated cards of today. The onslaught of the second world war saw a change in the style of Christmas cards and many then featured patriotic themes.

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View Christmas cards and gifts from Halllmark UK.

Depending on your position in life you may have opted to have a specially made card with a greeting such as ‘Merry Christmas from all the Thompson family’ emblazoned on the top or bottom of the card, again featuring a stamped image. Many featured Biblical characters and ranged in price from a little bookmark card for 1d to a reprint of a poem costing 1/-.

Due to the ever increasing number of Christmas cards being sent to family and friends many local post offices increased the number of Christmas season deliveries and even on Christmas Day many areas had a delivery of letters and parcels.

Prices to send cards varied and to celebrate King George V’s Silver Jubilee, three new stamps were commissioned – I wonder which of these you would have stuck on your thirties Christmas Card?

View Christmas cards and gifts from Halllmark UK.

As the century rolled on and war with Germany was declared it became even more important to send ‘best wishes’ to friends and family and the number of cards sent at Christmas continued to grow as it does today when throughout the UK we send a whopping 1.8 billion Christmas cards each year.

Christmas cards in 2014 are full of colour, cheer and even some 3D pictures. Personalisation is one of the main features of sending a card and companies now offer a wide range of areas which allow you to put your own photo, verse and name on the card.

View Christmas cards and gifts from Halllmark UK.

Not much has changed since the 1930’s, except probably the cost! but technology has adanced meaning we can now send e-cards from our smartphones and tablets.

Do you still send Christmas cards?

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1 Comment

  1. Margaret holpin
    November 19, 2014 / 7:23 pm

    I send traditional cards to nearly 150, old friends,enclosing a yearly update,old friends from my husbands 25 years in the army, 15, great years in the police,It would not be the same without our cheery catch ups Margaret holpin

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