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Days Out with the Family

My family have always made time to go out for a day away just in our local area at least once every couple of months.

As a family who loves history, it was easy to find places within 50-60mls radius that we could visit by car or local services.

We would pack up a picnic and set off. It was great for us as a family as we could spend time together away from all the hassle of every day life.

As we like history it meant that we could read up on something then go off and visit the place we had just been reading about, the kids were getting educated and they were having fun.

Many places are free to go to as they may just be old ruins or the admission fee would be really low and as we packed our own picnic it helped to keep the price down.

It doesn’t have to be history related you could visit local beauty spots, gardens, the beach and if the weathers not great wrap up and take cameras with you and look for wildlife to photograph.

All of these activities are low cost and make for a really good day out, giving you some great time with you family or friends and creating some really good memories.

  • Watch your distance – don’t travel too far before taking a stop
  • Plan your run – know where you’re going
  • Pack food that makes a good picnic -soggy sandwiches are not good picnic food
  • Take cameras – a great way to look back on a great day
  • Take out door clothing and shoes – a lightweight jacket and heavy boots or shoes are ideal
  • Keep to safe recognised routes and paths and maybe read a little about the place you are going to visit as you will get much more from your day out.

This is a great way of having fun with your family that doesn’t have to cost much and will create memories that will last long into their adult life.

Have a great day out.

Contact us below and tell us about your great day out with your family or friends, we’d love to hear where you went and what was great about it.

1 Comment

  1. Tina Mansfield
    June 26, 2013 / 8:46 pm

    Have a look at my days out page on my blog! We are attempting all the English Merlin parks as well as some others along the way!

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