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Do you suffer from high blood pressure?

More than one in three adults worldwide has high blood pressure – are you one of them?

Do you get regular checks? or have you never been to get checked? either way it seems nearly every family across the land will be effected with someone who has raised blood pressure.

On the 7th April it is World Health Day, and this year’s goal is to reduce heart attacks and strokes which can be caused due to high blood pressure.

1 in 10 people in their 20s and 30s will suffer from high blood pressure – also known as raised blood pressure or hypertension and if you are in your 50s this increases to 5 -10 people.

Having raised blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure if left uncontrolled, however high blood pressure is both preventable and treatable.


Simple life-style adjustments such as cutting back salt, eating a balanced diet and quitting smoking can all help to reduce the risk.

Do you suffer from high blood pressure? have you ever been checked? if not pop into your doctors and let the professionals check it out – it’s not as scary as you think!

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