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Exciting Event Happening Exactly 6 Months Today

Exactly six months today a much awaited event happens.  Every year at this time children start behaving, go to bed on time and wake up nice and early in a fantastically good mood.

What could be the cause of this feeling of happiness and excitement?

It’s all about one small rotund man who secretly visits homes and without payment, leaves parcels underneath the tree that is strategically placed in the sitting room.

Leaving no trace of his entry he quietly puts his treasures, all neatly wrapped under the tree and asks for nothing more than a biscuit and a glass of milk in return.

Many have been known to spoil him with a piece of cake and sometimes leave a little something for his travelling companions, who no matter the weather always manage to complete their journey in time.

Who is this wondrous person?

Many have tried to catch a peek at him but this elusive character remains hidden.

Rumours abound that his favourite colour is red, he’s apparently not to keen on shaving and has a bushy white beard and likes to wear sturdy black boots.

He drives a team of reindeer and has given each one a name.

Will this elusive man call at your home 6 months from today, only if you’ve been very good and are on his nice list.

Let us be first to wish you all  ‘A Very Merry Christmas’   from all the team at underthechristmastree.co.uk

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