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Festive Photos Friday 25th July

Hurrah Friday is here! To ensure you have a cool weekend we have got our latest set of Festive Photos Friday. Scoop out some ice cream, chill out and flick through our latest photos.

Why not tweet or share this page using our social media buttons. Use #FestivePhotosFriday and let us see your festive photos!

Should we pinch his carrot?

Someone looks very happy!


This would keep you cool on a summers day.

We love a Christmas album or two.

A cool oreo cocktail for a summers night.

Even Santa likes to head to the beach!

We wonder what is UnderTheChristmasTree?

Santa ADORES a Christmas song.

We would love a bunch of these!

We hope our new festive photos Friday for July 25th have put you in the mood for a lovely weekend. Share, Tweet and Google + this page below for others to see these.

To get involved with our Festive photos Friday tweet or share your pictures with us and use #FestivePhotosFriday

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