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Happy Shrove Tuesday AKA Pancake Day

 Get out in that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans and whip up a batch of pancakes as we say Happy Pancake Day!

Today – February 17th marks Shrove Tuesday which for most of us means eating fluffy, hot, savoury or sweet pancakes – our stomachs are rumbling at the thought, however today is the day before Lent also known as Ash Wednesday.

Shrove Tuesday (or in French Mardi Gras, which means “Fat Tuesday”) is the last night to over indulge on heavy feasting before the ritual of fasting for 40 day begins, which means (for most) giving up foods they love including meat, dairy, chocolate or eggs – we wonder if Santa could go that long without a mince pie?

We have our ingredients at the ready for some Christmas themed pancakes.

Take a look at our sweet, savoury and ‘free from’ Pancake recipes here.

What pancakes are you whipping up today? and will you be giving something up for Lent? Let us know below!

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