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Have You Re-gifted A Christmas Gift?

23.6 million Brits have admitted to re-gifting a Christmas gift. Tut Tut.

Many of us put a lot of time and effort into thinking of Christmas gifts that we think our loved ones will appreciate and love opening on Christmas morning.

As appreciated as those gifts are, sometimes the item may not fit, or perhaps we already have the same item already. Sometimes, we just don’t get round to using the gift, which is why many people choose to re-gift the item to someone who would get more use from it.

According to a survey by Wax Digital, 37% of Brits are guilty to re-gifting with women being the worst offenders at 46%.

Tina Steer, a self-confessed serial re-gifter and mum of two from Solihull, said:

“I regularly re-gift and see it as a form of recycling. I have a large family so it’s not uncommon for one of us to receive a present that we’ve already got or don’t want. In fact I have a stash of unwanted gifts that I keep to one side to give as late Christmas presents or for birthdays. The trick is to remember who gave you what and to make sure you don’t re-gift it to them in the future. I’m sure everyone does this really, they just might not admit it.”

So how can you tell if something you have been given was re-gifted?  There are a few tell tale signs such as bashed boxes and sellotape marks.  Other than that, you can probably guess if the gift is worth a lot more than they would normally spend, or if the item is similar to one they already have as the most popular reason for re-gifting is because the recipient already has the item.

Are you guilty of re-gifting? do you think it’s fair? We reckon as long as the strawberry creams haven’t been stolen from your Quality Street’s then there’s not much harm in it! If they had been stolen however…

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