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Homemade Easter Cards For Kids

Trying to keep the kids occupied while your busy doing jobs around the house?

With Easter on it’s way why not get them to make some homemade Easter cards that they can give to the grandparents, brother, sister, mum, dad or their friends.

They will proud of themselves when they have finished but it will also keep them occupied while you get the work around the house done.

So how do you make a Easter card?

Step 1) Get a piece of A4 cardboard/ordinary paper – any colour of their choice

Step 2) Fold the paper over, making sure that they meet edge to edge – you should then have a standard looking card

Step 3) Draw an egg shape of the front of the card or your chosen Easter picture or you can draw it on a separate piece of paper and cut it out and stick it onto the card

Step 4) Colour in your picture

Step 5) If you have drawn it on a separate piece of paper, get an adult to cut it out and stick it on to the card

Step 6) Why not put some ribbon or some glitter on to the card which will make it really stand out

Kids could perhaps write Happy Easter or Easter Greetings or whatever they want to write on the front

Step 7) Open the card and write a nice Easter message in the card, the name of the person they are giving it to and who the card is from

Remember to write on the back of the card your name and the date

Make as many cards as required

And there you have it, kids very own homemade Easter card!

What creative things will your kids be making for Easter? Comment below and let us know.

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