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How To Encourage Kids Into The Garden

With Springtime on our doorsteps, better weather is sure to come… we hope! Getting into the garden while the weather is nice can be a lot of fun, which is why we’ve put together this guide on How to encourage kids into the garden.

1  – Give your kids their own tools! you can get child friendly garden tools in many supermarkets or online, and they will really help to encourage your children to get to work with their own tools for the garden.

2 – Give them a task. We all know how much kids love to be given a task to do, it makes them feel as though they are really helping. Give them a simple task, such as watering plants with one of their mini watering cans. It will really encourage your children to want to be in the garden in future if they feel they’re valued.

3 – Turn gardening into a game. Children love to play games, and if you hide little gardening tools around the garden, and tell your children that the only way to get them, is by watering the plants, or digging a hole for example, then they will play along with the game.

4 – Tell them that you’re gardening as a surprise for gran or grandad, they will instantly want to help and be a part of surprising them.

5 – If you plan on having any outdoor toys for the garden this year, then let your children know that the only way the garden toys can come is if the garden is in tip top shape.  Your children will see this as an incentive and will want to help so that the new garden toys will arrive.

6 – Make a big deal out of any small accomplishment your child or children have in the garden. For example, if your child waters the plants, make a fuss over how well they did. This will encourage them to do more as children love to please their parents.

We hope you found our guide on how to encourage kids into the garden useful. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to send us a comment and we may even feature your comment on the website!

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