At Asda we know that behind every great Christmas there’s a mum working hard to make it magical for the whole family – this is the theme of their latest TV ad which has sparked a row over sexism.
The advert features all the hard work that mums do to create a magical Christmas for all the family – especially when things, as usual, don’t go to plan!
As she untangles the Christmas tree lights, hangs the decorations, wraps up the Bop It Smash she’s just bought, she falls exhausted into bed to be awakened by the kids “come on – It’s Christmas”.
After the presents Santa left, all nicely wrapped, she runs round with the vacuum before the other members of the family start to arrive for Christmas dinner – which she’s managed to prepare in between all the rest
As the stressed out Mum joins the family, still smiling, after clearing away the remnants of the Christmas dinner, for a well deserved glass of wine her husband says “what’s for tea love”, and she smiles as she sips her wine.
Following the first showing twenty-four people have complained to the ad watchdog that Asda’s Christmas ad is sexist.
However as yet the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has not decided whether to investigate the spot, which was created by Saatchi & Saatchi. An ASA spokesman said the general nature of the complaints is that the ad is offensive because it is sexist to both men and women, and reinforces stereotypes.
Some complaints focus on the strapline, which is “Behind every great Christmas there’s mum and behind mum there’s Asda”, claiming that this suggests that men, or fathers, do not have a role in contributing to Christmas
Other complaints object that the ad suggests that preparing for Christmas is solely a mother’s job.
If you missed it – you can see it here as well as entering Asda’s competition to win £1,000 to spend on your family this Christmas – Asda Advet & Competition
What do you think of the Asda ad? Is it sexist or do you see yourself in there somewhere? Let us know below.
I don’t see the advert as sexist. In fact it makes me very excited about my first Christmas as a mummy!