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Kids TV Remote and Tablet from Tech-Too

Tech Too by KD UK  have released a few fun toys for children to play with.  Suitable for ages 1+, we have two of their products which we wanted to let you know about! We were kindly sent these to review.

You know when you’re watching television and your children decide to start playing with the dvd remote controls and pressing buttons?  Ever felt so frustrated you end up hiding all the remote controls in the house? Well fear not and hide no longer for we just might have the solution!

Tech Too have released “my first remote control” which allows children to have their very own remote control that does not affect the television, Hurrah!

This bilingual toy, which is suitable for ages 1+, looks and works exactly like a TV remote and makes noises when the buttons are pressed.  Some of the noises are a little on the loud side so beware of giving this to your children when Eastenders is on!

The toy is also educational and makes it easy for toddlers and preschool children to learn numbers 0-9,  colours and shapes and even select the language in which they would like to play.  Featuring three game modes your child will learn numbers, colours and shapes.

You will also be pleased to know that these have a battery saving shut off to ensure it saves the battery – no longer do you need shares in Duracell, plus you can also track how well your child is developing when playing the games.

The other item we were sent to try was the Tech Too Smooth Touch Alphabet Tablet by KD UK.  This tablet is suitable for ages 3+ and is much more simplistic than other tablets which are available on the market right now, which means we  can use it without studying the instruction manual for hours on end! Just us?  We didn’t think so!

The tablet itself is lightweight but definitely quite durable.  So, if it accidentally gets dropped on the floor, it shouldn’t  shatter into a million pieces – bonus!  It is also brightly coloured with large buttons to ensure children can press them with ease.

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When we turned the Alphabet Tablet on, we were greeted with  lights and a friendly Owl with large glasses and a friendly voice, reading from her book and welcoming you to the games.  There are six games to play that are also educational for your children and can help them to learn phonics, the alphabet and spelling, as well as lots of brightly coloured animals and objects on the device making learning entertaining for your kids.

Again this has an automatic shut off to save batteries!  Perfect for summer and to keep little fingers off your beloved tablet.

For more information and to buy KD UK Tech Too, please visit: http://kdplanet.com

What do you think of Tech-Too’s new range of products?  Comments, tweet, share, pin and Google+ us below.

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