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Nestlé UK launches two NEW Nitrogen infused coffees

Move over egg nog as Nitrogen infused coffee could be this years popular winter tipple as Nestlé UK launches two tasty nitrogen infused cans – ‘NESCAFÉ Azera Nitro’ Americano and Latte.

Available this month, March 2018, the two new chilled coffees in a can will be available in retailers across the UK for you to buy, while bars, pubs, restaurants and the hospitality sector will offer the chilled drink as part of its menu.

'NESCAFÉ Azera Nitro
Image credit: Nestle

UK and Ireland Managing Director, Nestlé Beverages Neil Stephens said: “This is a really exciting launch and promises to bring our premium NESCAFÉ Azera brand to the forefront of the fast growing chilled coffee segment. In the year when we are celebrating the 80th Birthday of NESCAFÉ, the launch of NESCAFÉ Azera Nitro shows how our business is continually innovating and evolving with the times.”

Could Nitrogen infused drinks be this years new Christmas trend especially as we see just how popular flavoured gin is.  We asked Nestlé if any Christmas flavours were in the works? who told us to ‘watch this space’

Let’s hope Nestlé introduce nitrogen infused Christmas flavours!

(Image credit: Nestlé)

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