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Primark Has A Jolly Christmas As Sales Go Up By 15%

Value retailer Primark has reported its sales were up a huge 15% for the 16 weeks ending January 3rd,  looks like we know where Santa’s elves went for their Christmas jumper!

Thanks to increased selling space and high sales densities, Primark is one of the few companies who in Christmas 2014 saw a huge rise in sales, however profit margins were lower due to a higher level of markdown on it’s products, which meant you could get those extra festive onesies.

With a huge range of festive themed clothing including popular Christmas jumpers and £1 Xmas fingerless gloves – was it possible to do most of your shopping in the store? With these new figures it sounds like it!

Did you shop in Primark last Christmas?  and more to the point what Christmas jumper did you get?  Comment below we would love to hear from you!

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