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You’ll go Zingy crazy with Pumpazing the new pass the parcel style action game which features:

  • fun for age 4+
  • features Zingy
  • batteries not included

Available from Amazon. Click here.


As seen on TV, Pumpazing, from top manufacturer Drumond Park, is suitable for aged 4 and over such an easy game to play that even the under three’s would love to take a turn.

Star of the show is Zingy – he’s a little cheeky, very colourful and makes kids jump up and down with excitement. Take Zingy from his box and turn his power on and put the Zinger heads into the holes on top of Zingy.

Now the fun really begins as the first player holds Zingy’s green hands and starts pumping in and out until one of his four Zinger heads fly off making a “zing” or “boing” sound.

Pass the loveable “Zingy” character from player to player, taking it in turns to pump his long green arms in and out. Pump enough and one of the coloured Zingers will fly off with a “zing” or a “boing” sound!

The second player can now take their turn to make another zinger fly off and if zingy makes a zing or boing sound you can pass to the next player, however, Zingy is sometimes a little cheeky and says “Uh-Oh” and when a zinger flies off the player loses one of their four lives.

Kids love pumping Zingy and making his zingers fly off and screech with laughter and excitement as they try not to get buzzed.

Keep on passing him round until only one player has any zingy cards left – they are the winner.

Pumpazing is a fun game with hilarious sounds for 2 or more preschool children and makes a great party game for a larger group. The “instant knock out” version where an “Uh –Oh” from Zingy means you’re out of the game is usually better for a larger group.

Giggles galore guarantee when your colourful Zingers go flying off Pumpazing’s Zingy unit.

Will you hang on to your four lives to become the Pumpazing winner? Perfect to entertain the whole family over Christmas.

What’s inside your Pumpazing Box?

  • Blue Zingy character with long green arms and 2 white teeth.
  • 4 zingers – red, purple, green and orange
  • 12 Zingy Cards
  • Batteries required: 3 xAAA (not included).

Pumpazing Review

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