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Shaun the Sheep – The Farmers Llamas Christmas Special 2015

CBeebies fans of the popular Shaun the Sheep will be excited to hear that a one off half hour special is to debut on BBC1 this Christmas.

Titled Shaun the Sheep -The Farmers Llamas, this latest adventure will see the Farmer and Shaun heading off to market to buy pigs, however Shaun gets him to buy three Llamas instead.

Everything goes swimmingly until the Llamas get too comfortable in their new home and start to take over. As things spiral out of control and the Llamas take up residence in the Farmers house it’s up to Shaun to take action

Will Shaun be able to oust the Llamas and save the farm?

With his new DVD, Shaun The Sheep – The Movie, due for release on 1st June,2015 it looks like Shaun’s going to have a busy year!

Does your CBeebies fan love Shaun the Sheep? Get in touch below and tell us their favourite TV character.

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