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Sparkup The Magical Book Reader – Creating Memories That Will Last A Lifetime

You can add a personal touch to this Christmas, one which your child will remember for a lifetime, with Sparkup The Magical Book Reader. We were kindly sent this to review.

When Sparkup arrived at UnderTheChristmasTree HQ, Elaine was quick to snap it up as she loved the idea that you could not only record stories for a little one but you could also add in little personal touches too.

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Below is what she thought of the toy:

We all know what Christmas morning is like when children are bursting open all the presents from Santa and then within 2 or three weeks (if your lucky) some of the toys are found lurking under the bed never having been touched. Well Sparkup The Magical Book Reader is one gift which won’t become boring – even when your child is all grown up!

Sparkup brings a whole new dimension to reading where  parents, grandparents, or even children themselves,  can record and listen back to favourite books for years to come.

Opening the box and getting the book reader ready for action was quick and easy – simply open and pull off all the white strings and the book reader will come lo0se – no fuss or hassle…Thankfully!

You can purchase Sparkup The Magical Book Reader at AMAZON UK

To start simply press the round centre button and you will be greeted with a very cheery (and loud) Sparkup – don’t worry you can turn the volume up or down at the top. The green button will light up and Sparkup will take you through how to set up and start recording the books, if like Elaine you may not be as keen to hear your own voice you can download professional readers and music instead.

Placing the back of the book into the clear clips (you can do this by pushing the back book cover in) you then close the book and push the green wheel down until you feel it lock, the camera is then looking over the front of the cover. You will know when to begin as Sparkup starts to read the front cover – he is very clever!

The record button will flash red, and when you are ready, simply hold down for two seconds and then start reading! If you want to re-record you can, or if your child wants to hear the page again, simply press the centre button and it will begin to read again.

With up to 30 hours playback and four hours of audio, the Sparkup Magical Book Reader is the perfect way to end a long and busy day by settling the kids down to sleep… especially as the run up to Christmas begins.

Connect to your computer and download new books from the Sparkup website and if you wish to remove books you can simply put these onto your computer and free up space (the toy can hold 50 books) Elaine thought that a great idea would be to put books onto the computer and download onto a disc which you could keep in a memory box or if you have family who live abroad you could send these in an email as a Christmas gift.

Already included are demonstration batteries, however we do suggest that you replace these to ensure you can play instantly. To replace the batteries simply unscrew the back (with a small screwdriver) and change to new batteries.

Encouraging children to read and helping with one on one time, children age three and older will adore the magical book reader – Elaine certainly did!

You can buy Sparkup Magical Book Reader at AMAZON UK.

Would you keep books you or someone you have loved, read in a memory box? Let us know your thoughts below.

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