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VTech Is On The Hunt For The Next Baby Picasso

Does your baby have the potential to be the next Picasso or Matisse? Do they create baby masterpieces worthy of recognition? If so, then they need to put their artistic skills to the test and take part in the VTech InnoTab 2 Baby Artist of the Year 2013, a nationwide competition to find the next big thing in the art world.

With a fantastic prize of £1,000 worth of VTech toys and an InnoTab 2 Baby, the world’s first tablet for babies, VTech is calling on all budding artists from 12 months plus to create a masterpiece on a digital device or on traditional paper and submit via the website below. Not only will the winner win the title of the best baby artist in the UK, but their winning picture will be displayed on the VTech website, Facebook page and Twitter for the country to see. Visit www.vtechuk.com/innotabbabyartist2013 for more information.

On top of this there will also be 3 runners up prizes for the best baby artist in their corresponding cities, who will win £100 worth of VTech toys and their own InnoTab 2 Baby. The winner’s will be selected on the 2nd December by a panel of judges and the prize given out just in time for Christmas.

VTech InnoTab 2 Baby is the world’s first tablet to babies, which includes 5 free downloads from the Learning Lodge Navigator, encased with a protective safety shell this super durable toy will last and grow with your child. InnoTab 2 Baby includes all the great features of InnoTab 2 but with an interface and apps designed for babies. This includes Noah’s ark e-book, 3 cute games, 12 built in playtime and soothing songs and an animal fun cartridge.

Best of luck!

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