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Ways To Adapt To School… For Parents!

We all know school can be difficult for children to get used to, leaving their parents for a few hours can be daunting and it can take some time to adapt to going to school. However, we don’t always look at how parents are affected. 

Waking up to a school routine can be busy and sometimes stressful, but when the kids are dropped off at school and you walk through your front door, you are welcomed with silence. Sometimes that silence can be bliss, but for many stay at home parents, it can be difficult.

Many parents will tell you that when their children are at school, they welcome the peace with open arms, claiming it allows them to do housework and catch up on things they struggle to find the time to do when their children are running around.  Regardless of how nice it is to do these things, sometimes we look around to see an empty house, and we spend time worrying unnecessarily about our family, finances and other things. Bottom line, we miss having a busy house!

We’ve put together a list of things that can help parents to adapt to school!


First thing’s first – just because your child is at school, he or she will be home soon, and time is now your friend, not your enemy! Buy two packed lunchboxes for each child – one to use, and one to prepare for the next day while they’re at school.  You can spend some time putting together a healthy and nutritious lunch for your child without the rush and hassle in the evening when they arrive home from school.

School Uniforms

We all know our children will come home dirty and their uniforms will need to be cleaned and prepared for the next day.  You can prepare in advance by having spare jumpers and trousers washed and cleaned for when the next outdoor mudslide raises it’s dirty head!


Little Jimmy’s birthday isn’t for another two months yet, but you can already tell that his friends and family will shower him with presents on his big day. Question is, where are they going to be stored? By preparing in advance, you can create storage space and clear out things your child no longer needs or wants in their bedroom, meaning when their big day arrives, you can comfortably tidy away anything your child receives.


‘Silence is deafening’. Some people find the quietness of their home unbearable and so playing music in the background or on your television can be enough to liven up your home without making as much noise (or mess) as a child does.


Socialising usually comes at the bottom of the pile for many parents. Time and money is often hard come by and so socialising can often be unrealistic. However, you have time on your hands now, and you’re not the only one! Many parents are in the same boat as you are, they too are looking for things to do, people to see. Spend some time talking to your children’s friends parents, you’ll meet new people and will learn about new parenting groups.

Make Learning Games

You can spend some time thinking of new ways to encourage your child to learn new skills and to expand on their existing skills. For example, you could hide tokens in your garden, and encourage your child to count them as they find them.  You can also teach your child interesting things about the garden, for example teach them about butterflies, and why they should never touch a bee but to not be afraid of them.

There are many things you can do to help adapt to your child going to school. If you have any ideas, why not let us know!? Leave a comment below and it’ll appear on our website!

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