What does Back to School mean to you?
To the kids it’s the end of all the staying up late and sleeping well into the morning.
It’s the time to have breakfast just an hour or so before mum prepares lunch and the sun always shines when it’s holiday time.
Fun with friends, the excitement of heading off on holiday and then, as the dreaded day get nearer it’s time to get your hair cut, go on a school shopping trip for new uniforms, bags, lunch boxes and stationery. For a few days even the sun finds it hard to break through the gloom.
The dreaded day arrives and, after the winning the battle to get them fed and changed ready for school, they head out the door where they meet up with all their friends and happily head off to start a new term
Meanwhile, do you jump up and down with excitement, thankful that they will once again have a structured day and you might just be able to get a few moments of ‘me’ time? Or will you find it a long day without the constant laughs and chitter chatter you’ve enjoyed throughout the holidays?
Will you treat yourself to a relaxed breakfast and a hot cup of coffee before you begin the mad dash house cleaning fest that will put the house to rights.
Do you feel that your day goes by so quickly that you fail to notice that all to soon they will be home demanding to be fed and the struggle of getting them to bed at a reasonable time begins again.
Or, knowing that soon they’ll soon be back home, sharing all their news, as you sit together as a family having the dinner that you prepared earlier.
Will you look forward to the children heading back to school or do you wish the holidays could be much longer?
Get in touch below, we’d love to hear from you.
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