It’s that time of the year again, when Cupid polishes up his bow, practises aimining his arrow and strikes most of us with that lovely bubbly romatic feeling.
Valentine’s Day which is on Friday the 14th of February, is a day to celebrate your loved one. Whether it is showering them with chocolates, cooking a romatic meal for two or Mrs Clause favourite – A host of romantic Christmas songs and a few kisses under the misletoe from Santa himself.
You should show your loved one just how much you appreciate them.
Valentine’s day can leave us all feeling either extremely happy, rather down if you don’t receive a card or even a little nervous when you receive something anonymously. However you want to celebrate the holiday which makes us all gooey eyed, make sure you take time to really enjoy the day.
It’s not all about Chocolates, flowers and big gestures (even though they are fabulous too) but more about spending time and making an effort with your loved one.
Have you got someone in mind to spoil and who will you receive a valentine from?
One thing’s for definite – UnderTheChristmasTree will make sure to celebrate even if it is just gorging on cream filled chocolates.
What are your plans for the heart filled day? Tell us your plans and ideas below.
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