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Will Sparks Fly For Marks & Spencer This Christmas As It Trials Loyalty Card?

Could you be potentially get this years Christmas dinner for free?  Marks and Spencer are set to introduce a new loyalty card “Sparks” which will reward customers with food, merchandise and personalized offers from its stores this Autumn. 

The card-based scheme, which according to Reuters will be called “Sparks”, is unlike other chains who give points on a purely transaction-based scheme, will reward members with M&S food and general merchandise plus you will also get exclusive benefits and personalised offers, we wonder if a free mince pie and hot drink at the cafe will be available this Christmas?

If trials go well, the Marks and Spencer membership based card will be rolled out this Autumn, just in time for shoppers to start buying and putting away for the festive period!

A free mince pie, discounted Christmas gifts and money off codes are all on our list for the “Sparks” M&S loyalty card but what offers would you want to receive? Let us and other know below!


  1. Maralyn Smith
    June 20, 2015 / 5:22 pm

    How do we get one??

  2. UnderTheChristmasTree
    June 23, 2015 / 9:09 am

    Hi Maralyn,

    Details on how to get on of Marks And Spencers new loyalty card have not been released yet but as soon as these details become available we will let you know!

    We hope this helps.

    UnderTheChristmasTree Team

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