With April Fools right around the corner, we thought we would tell you a few Christmas related April Fools pranks and jokes.
You know us, we love relating everything back to Christmas – even April Fools Day pranks and jokes! After having a look online, we found that a lot of you are like minded and pulled a Christmas cracker when pranking your friends and families.
1 – Decorating the house with decorations before your family awakens.
This is an extreme April Fools prank that will require determination and patience. We read about this prank where the man decorated his living room with a Christmas tree and made it look all festive so that when his family woke up they would be confused. It worked a treat, as his sister called him downstairs to say “It’s Christmas!!”. Legend!
2 – Send Christmas Cards to your loved ones from another loved one.
Another person sent a Christmas card to their loved ones, and signed it from their brother. On April Fools Day, the brother was inundated with phone calls asking why he had sent them a Christmas card. Again, legend!
3 – Hire A Snow Machine
Storm Katie has brought with her a lot of bad weather including wind, rain and snow. It’s not unbelievable to wake up in the morning and see snow. One man’s children (both in their late teens) hired a snow machine and angled it to have the ‘snow’ falling right outside his bedroom window at 7:45am (when he was due to awake for work). Queue one man running downstairs with three layers of clothing on and an ice scraper for his car to be greeted with a sunny snow-free day. We think this is definitely one to try on our boss. Sshhh Don’t tell!
So there you have a few epic Christmas related April Fools jokes & pranks.
Will you be pulling any this April Fools? we would love to hear all about it. Let us know in the comments below.