Bank Holiday weekend is coming up, Hooray! we hear you all shout! but what are you going to do with your time off?
Surveys show that most people when faced with time off from work end up bored within a few hours because they made no plans, so we’ve put together a list of five ways to keep you busy over bank holiday weekend.
First off, we know how hard you work throughout the year, and we know that time ‘off’ should not be ‘busy’, but there comes a point when one can no longer watch anymore Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women (We know it’s compelling TV!), so the best time to be busy is when you have the option to be busy, not because you have to be busy.
Get busy with these!
1 – Go online – We’re not talking about checking out the New Look sale, check out local pages to your area, and see if there are any local events ongoing. Many of these events are free and can actually be very entertaining. Check social networking platforms such as facebook or twitter, to see what others in your area are up to.
2 – “In 2013, i’m going to learn to…” – Remember those New Years Resolutions you made way back at the end of December 2012? it’s time to re-visit them! We all make resolutions to learn something new, so get started! You don’t need to learn the skill in one weekend, but making a firm start can really help to put the train in motion and be just what you need to make your resolution a reality.
3 – Go Nowhere Fast – This sounds obvious, but on ‘work days’ we’re always in a hurry to do what we have to do then get back to work or go home, but now that it is bank holiday, we can take our time, but more often than not, we still end up rushing our way through our daily tasks. If you take your time, you often meet people you know and can actually get some pleasure from your weekly tesco dash!
4 – Go Outside – The weather forecast for the Bank Holiday is supposed to be excellent, so take the opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air and much needed Vitamin D. You could even de-weed the garden you’ve been meaning to do for the past year.
5 – Prepare for work – While we’re certain the last thing you want to do on your time off, is think about work, you could take some time to really prepare for returning to work – whether that be doing some research or stitching a hole in your uniform, being prepared can really help to take the stress out of going back to work.
There you go, you need never be bored over bank holiday weekend anymore!
What will you be doing over bank holiday weekend? Share your plans with us and others below