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A third of Brits are jealous of their neighbours Christmas decorations

According to a new survey, more than one in 10 Brits decorate the outside of their house to make their neighbours green-eyed with envy!

Are you jealous of your neighbours Christmas decorations?

Image of Christmas bells
Image credit: Pixabay

A new study by George Home reveals a third of Brits are jealous of their neighbours Christmas decorations with a whopping 85% admitting that they have bought a second, bigger Christmas tree and added extra lights to the outside of their house and front garden in an effort to outdo their neighbour.

Sonal Patel, Festive Buyer at George Home, said: “As Christmas decorations go up this week, it seems Brits will have their eyes on their neighbours’ houses and not just their own.”

“For those who are looking to add something special to their decorations, George Home has launched four new and varied trends, Nordic, Santa’s Vacation, Ice Palace and Electric Sky, meaning there is something to suit all styles”.

George Home Christmas Pudding Teapot
Image credit: George Home

The results showed we will spend more than £2.6 billion on Christmas decorations and more than 6.6 million homeowners decorated their house before the 18 November.

We better get going on those extra lights!

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