Detective Dot is the book that turns your little angels into little detectives as Dot encourages them to join the CIA – The Children’s Intelligence Agency. We were kindly sent this to review.
When the postman delivered Detective Dot, we felt as though we were part of an exclusive group. It comes wrapped in brown paper, adorned with ‘CIA’ & ‘Top Secret’. There’s even a logo on the front which looks like it’s part of the real deal.
On the back it says ‘Top Secret – Official Documents Enclosed. Contents Not Appropriate For Grown-Ups” and at the very bottom of the envelope in small writing is:
“The Children’s Intelligence Agency: Keeping The World Safe” followed by:
“Teachers doing weird things? Aliens landed in your bedroom? Do you know any mysteries that the CIA should investigate? Intel us very important to us. get in touch.” which then follows with the email address to contact the ‘CIA’.
If we were children, it’s fair to say we would be majorly impressed with this. The book and pack was addressed to Holly, so she scurried away out of sight to take a look and decided she wouldn’t be breaching the security of the CIA by sharing her thoughts on it..
“Detective Holly checking in to tell you about Detective Dot. I feel as though it’s my duty as an agent to let children all across the UK know that detective Dot needs our help. I received a ‘Top Secret’ package from Dot which was revealed as a letter from the CIA thanks to the logo at the top. Inside was a letter addressed to me which states that they think I am an ideal agent for the CIA which is investigating criminal networks, global mysteries and rotten teachers.
The letter states that inside the pack includes my CIA membership card, Seven top secret highly important missions and CIA Hexes for use on mission reports. Mission accepted, Dot…
The book is about a nine year old tech whizz called ‘Detective Dot’ who has a dangerous mission from the CIA to investigate teenage Trillionaire ‘Shelly Belly’. Dot needs to find out why all of her investments are so cheap and where she makes them. To do this, Dot needs to use her coding skills and gadgets to crack the case.
If I were a kid, this would be right up my street. The letter was personalised with my name and the package came addressed to me personally. I love how ‘exclusive’ it feels and would definitely say this is set to make mini detectives out of children across the UK!”
For more information on Detective Dot, click here.
Are you hoping to make a mini detective of your child? will Santa (hopefully!) be leaving this under your Christmas Tree? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, or alternatively feel free to get in touch using the social media icons.