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Disney Christmas Baubles Go On Sale At Primark

The most wonderful time of the year has just gotten a whole lot more merrier as Primark unvels a host of Disney Christmas baubles and we want every single one!

Primark Christmas 2017: Disney Baubles

Just as our obsession with Primark’s Harry Potter decorations had only just start to calm down the UK retailer has now unveiled Mickey, Minnie, and Beauty and the Beast baubles, we’re going to need an extra tree.

Prices are not to high either as the four packs come in at £4 with the special singular ones costing £5 each, who else has got shoes on ready to hit Primark?.

Beauty and the Beast Bauble

From gin baubles to Disney we’re not sure just how our Christmas tree is going to look this festive season.

Which bauble is your favourite?

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