While we’re still struggling to come to terms with the fact that Chetna has been booted off of the show, we are thrown into the deep end of realization that the final is tonight and there will be no more bake off for another year! *Sob*
Tonight will see the three finalists go head to head in the bake of their lives to compete for the title of the winner of GBBO.
The finalists include Richard Burr, Nancy Birtwhistle & Luis Troyano and all three have had a tremendous journey on the show. Luis is known for his attention to detail, with his show stoppers being well and truly show stopping. Nancy is the perfect home baker who often knew more than “The Male Judge” (Paul Hollywood) Richard Burr is currently the bookies favourites and is the only builder to bake a house rather than build.
Who’s your favourite?
Previous series have seen all of the contestants from the series return for a garden party where the food will be supplied by the three contestants – such as finger sandwiches and cakes. Whether or not we are likely to see that tonight is unclear, but likely.
Personally, we just can’t wait to see Diana and hope that there are no bins in sight for Iain.
In terms of future episodes of GBBO – we would love to see a Christmas special where they show all of us how to bake the perfect Mince Pies, Christmas Puddings & Gingerbread Houses.
What more would you like to see from Mary Berry & Paul Hollywood?