Are you using a piggy bank to save for the holiday season? According to a new survey one in five Brits are using the traditional at home piggy bank to put money aside for Christmas.
Reseachers at ‘GetPaidTo’ surveyed 2,000 people and found not only are one in five using a piggy bank to try and save, but twenty per cent are still trying to pay back debts from last years Xmas festivities – eight months later.
Are we a nation which can’t afford Christmas? Research found more that 82 per cent who spent more than they earn struggle to pay it back and it seems young professionals feel the struggle the most, Karim Wilkins, CEO at ‘GetPaidTo’ said: Young professionals were likely to be hit the worst because they thought they were expected to buy more expensive gifts than ever before because they were in full time jobs.
When it comes to saving for Christmas shopping, one in four have already begun before September however the majority leave it until much later than that with a third starting in November and one in five in December.
Are you struggling to pay off last years festive bills? and are you putting money into a piggy bank for this Christmas? Let us and others know your thoughts below.