We Brits would rather sell an unwanted gift than admit they don’t like it, have you ever done this with a Christmas gift?

This comes as a new survey of 1,002 British adults, by Lois Bullion, a leading buyer of precious metals, revealed that nearly two thirds (62%) of Brits would rather sell on an unwanted gift at some point than telling the gift giver they didn’t like it.
The top 10 gifts most likely to be sold on are:
- Clothes
- Shoes
- Jewellery
- Homeware
- Technology
- Perfume & Aftershave
- Beauty & Personal Care Items
- Books
- DVD’s
- Food and Drink items
Annie Smith, Marketing Manager at Lois Bullion [1] said: “Everyone has their own personal taste and it is often difficult to get gifts right for loved ones, so we are not necessarily surprised that so many people choose to sell on clothes and shoes or a piece of unwanted jewellery that a loved one has gifted to them. Whilst it is the thought that counts, I personally would prefer my loved one to sell on a gift they don’t enjoy and get something they would like… as long as they told me first!”
Much as we all appreciate gifts from friends and family, many of us are now trying to live with less clutter and whilst it is the thought that counts, selling a gift seems less hurtful.
We’re sure we’ve all had a gift at Christmas that we were not too keen on!