Meet Scoot the Dog, the game where you draw objects on cards using the dog’s Skid Markz. We were kindly sent this to review by Goliath Games, so Katy, Mandy, Elaine and John all took part in this game.

Mandy said: “When this game first arrived in the office, the whole team all went “What is this game!” but we were all really intrigued to see what it was all about. I will be honest, the game does sound disgusting as the aim is to try and draw objects on the cards using Scoot the dog’s Skid Markz!
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To set up we simply applied the stickers to the Challenge dice, assembled the leash and aligned and pressed this into the socket on Scoots back. Then taking the marker pen, we placed this marker side down into the hole in Scoot’s back and we were ready to go.

Each time a player took a turn they would be the ‘Skidder’ and first up was Elaine who picked a Bone card to give her a secret word to draw, there are four colours to choose blue, green, purple and orange and each colour gets more difficult. Elaine rolled the Challenge dice for an extra twist which in this case she had to try and not pick up Scoot throughout her turn and make one continuous line which did prove hard for her to do. John did eventually guess the word she was trying to draw so Elaine and John both received a point and both took a Poo Point Card.

Next up it was my turn, I picked up a Bone Card which gave me my word and I rolled the Challenge dice and I had to try and use my non-dominate hand to draw the work, which is really hard! No one guessed my word as I don’t think they could make the drawing out to say anything! The game continued until each player had been Skidder three times and whoever had to most Poo Point cards at the end of the game was the winner which in this case was John.
Overall, I thought the game was easy to set up and play and I think it is hilarious and kids and adults are going to love this new game.”
Skid Markz is suitable for ages 6 years and up, can be bought online for £19.99 and more information can be found at Goliath Games.