This Spicy Orange, Chocolate & Cranberry Christmas Wrap Cake contains all the flavours we associate with Christmas and it’s also suitable for vegetarians.
Preparation time: – 15 minutes.
Cooking time: – 45 minutes in total.
Serves – 6-8
Ingredients you’ll need:
- 3 Mission Deli Original Wraps
- 225g (8oz) Chopped bitter chocolate
- 75g (2¾ oz) Unsalted butter
- 1 Beaten egg
- 3 tbsp caster sugar
- 2 Medium eggs
- 65g (2 ¼ oz) Caster sugar
- 284mls (½ pint) Double cream, heated
- Pinch salt
- Pinch chilli powder
- Finely grated zest 1 large orange
- 3 tbsp vanilla extract
- 120g (4oz) Semi dried cranberries
You can get all these ingredients from
How to make the Spicy Orange, Chocolate & Cranberry Christmas Wrap Cake:
1. Pre heat the oven to 180°C gas 4.
2. Melt the chocolate and unsalted butter together, over a pan of simmering water.
3. In a bowl place the eggs, sugar, vanilla, salt, chilli, orange zest and mix well.
4. Next lay out the 3 wraps, and brush with beaten egg and sprinkle liberally with castor sugar.
5. Lay onto a baking sheet and bake in the pre heated oven until crisp and nicely coloured
6. Once cooked cool.
7.Reduce the heat in the oven to 160°C gas 3.
8. Next add the warm cream to the melted chocolate and butter, then mix well.
9. Add to the egg mixture and whisk well.
10. Lay one of the cooked wraps in the bottom of a 25cm x 5½ cm, loose bottomed cake tin. The cooked wraps should fit in perfectly.
11. Pour in half the chocolate and egg mixture, then, sprinkle over half the cranberries.
12. Lay on the second wrap and pour in the last of the chocolate and egg mixture, then sprinkle over the rest of the cranberries. Top with the last wrap.
13. Place the tin into the oven and cook for 15 minutes, or until the outside edge is set.
14. Remove from the oven, cool, then chill well, best overnight.
15. Cut into thick wedges, dust well with plenty of cocoa powder and icing sugar, serve with a dollop of clotted cream
And there we have it, a deliciously hot, vegetarian Spicy Orange, Chocolate & Cranberry Wrap Cake.
Got a Christmas wrap idea you would love to share? then get in touch below and share your recipes!
This delicious recipe was sent to UnderTheChristmasTree by Mission Deli.