If the name ‘David Brent’ means nothing to you, then this might not affect you. However, If, like us, you are a huge fan of ‘The Office’, then the fact that John Krasinski wants to return to the UK with Christmas specials will thrill you more than seeing a man doing the ‘dance’ on a Saturday night in a packed nightclub.

In a recent interview with IndieWire, Krasinski said:
“I think the UK thing that I always have pitched and wanted to do is that Christmas special thing, where we do a Christmas special this year and then two years from now, or three years from now, we do another one. I love that idea of coming back finding out where everybody is. I would totally be down for that.”
If John Krasinski says it, it HAS to happen! Leave our elves to do some detective work and we’ll aim to update you with any news before everyone else finds out!
Would you like to see ‘The Office’ return for a Christmas special? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below or get in touch using the social media icons.