That’s it folks – cancel any plans you’ve made for Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th August because like millions across the UK you’ll be glued to the X Factor’s first episode’s 90-minute special on Saturday 29 August at 8pm on ITV
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With two new judges joining Cheryl and Simon on the panel we have to wait and see how Rita Ora (previously from BBC’s lookalike program ‘The Voice’) and Nick Grimshaw from BBC’s Radio 1, fit in. Good though I’m sure they’ll be it just won’t be the same without Dermot O’Leary and our favourite Irish pin-up Louis Walsh, although we’re pretty sure he’ll make an appearance somewhere on the show – fingers crossed!
Watching the X Factor is like a countdown to Christmas and it makes addictive viewing. Ben Haenow (still can’t stop singing the Hey Now, Hey Now! song every time I hear his name) was a worthy winner last season and everyone in the office is looking forward to his new song which will doubtless be aired on the X Factor.
With loads of new talent and even more with absolutely no talent we can expect more than a few Cowell sniggers and uncalled for comments – who doesn’t just love shouting and arguing back, even though he obviously can’t hear us!
Finally something on the TV that’s worth watching, so roll on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th August. We just can’t wait to join in with the Theme tune – altogether now – dun dun dun dun …. dun dun dun dun!
Does the start of X Factor signal the start of Christmas for you Get in touch and tell us who is your favourite from the first episode