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Christmas Review: Union Coffee Classic Blend Box

We were delighted when Union Coffee sent us over their Classic Blend Box which included 3 of their hand roasted coffees and as a huge coffee drinker we passed this over to Mandy for her thoughts on them.

This is what she said:

‘The coffees arrived in a basic white box with a red ribbon tied around it, neatly wrapped in tissue and sealed with Union Coffee’s  gold logo, which once opened revealed three packs of coffee, each in its own distinct brown paper bag.

Each coffee has its own distinct flavour and first to be tasted was:

I’m a big fan of medium roast coffees and am always on the lookout for something just a little bit different.  Natural Spirit hit all the right spots and I thoroughly enjoyed my hot steaming cup of coffee. The notes of candied lemon, fudge and chocolate truffle came through clearly but didn’t overtake the coffee flavour – delicious!

The name made me think that this would be a much cheaper version of coffee, but I couldn’t have been more wrong!   This bold coffee wrapped itself around me like a favourite jumper and the natural sweetness of the dried fruits, roasted hazelnut and milk chocolate flavours left me feeling relaxed and ready for the day ahead.

This is a rich espresso and the hints of treacle, cinnamon and dark chocolate made me think of Christmas. I’m not usually a fan of espresso but on this occasion I have to say that this was amazingly delicious, I will certainly have this coffee again and I think it would make a great after Christmas dinner drink.

I thoroughly enjoyed tasting all three of these coffees and would have no concerns about recommending them to my friends, work colleagues and family. Priced at around £20 this would make a great Christmas gift for any coffee lover.

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