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Exclusive Q&A With Blogger Diana From Urban Hunger

We had a great response to the Christmas Gingerbread Tiramisu recipe which we featured on the website and couldn’t resist getting in touch with blogger,  Diana, from urban hunger to find out about her favourite Christmas recipes.

This is what she had to say:

Q: Our favourite time to bake is Christmas. What’s your favourite time of year to bake?

A: To be honest I don´t have a specific season or month that I favour. It´s more about special occasions like my Mum´s or a friend’s birthday. It´s always more fun to bake for someone you love!

Q: Do you have a special Christmas cake recipe that you use every year?

A: Me and my family always eat Pandan-cake for Christmas. It´s an Asian speciality with coconut milk that is really easy to make. It´s bright green colour makes it absolutely unique.

Q: What was the best Christmas dish you’ve ever made?

A: Wow that is a hard one. I would say Wagyu ( Japanese beef) & Lamb Merguez (sausage) with grilled vegetables, couscous and various sauces.

Q: What is your most used ingredient over Christmas & why?

A: If you leave out the baking it must be sesame-chili. I like it spicy – and there is nothing comparable to a handmade sesame-chili spice.

Q: What Christmas taste takes you back to your childhood?

A: Chai-Latte with sesame, star anise and mint. Christmas was the only time I was allowed to drink a coffee when I was a kid. I still love that Chat-Latte variation made by my Mum

Q: How do Christmas recipe’s differ from Germany to the UK?

A: As I don’t know many Christmas recipes from UK it´s hard to tell. Plus I´m not a native German either – I am originally from Thailand.  What I can tell you is how the Christmas meals in Thailand differ; I have the feeling that most Christmas dishes in Germany have been cooked in more or less the same way for many years. Some of my friends eat sausages, some raclette (a type of cheese) – and they used to eat that every Christmas since they were kids. In Thailand (at least in my family) we don’t have any specific recipe that we used to cook. Plus we vary way more in how a certain dish is made, e.g. what side dishes or sauces. I have the feeling that Germans set great store by tradition.

Q: What would you serve as an alternative Christmas Dinner?

A: African Food, e.g. recipes from Sudan. I love the kitchen there. People tend to cook a big variety of stuff in small quantities there. And everyone eats everything from everyone’s plate. It looks a bit weird for some German people but I love that way of eating. On top of that I am a bit Maniok (vegetable) fan!

Q: What is your favourite Christmas recipe?

A: Since last year I have to say the Wagyu & Lamb Merguez (from above). I´ll probably break with my habits to do something new and recook that one next year. Maybe with some Maniok

Do you have a favourite Christmas recipe, one that your family looks forward to every year? Get in touch below and share it with others.

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