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How Santa Keeps His Cool During Summer…

All that red velvet and faux fur trimmings mean Santa is going to feel the heat in these soaring temperatures. so how will he keep cool?..

Here’s how Santa keeps his cool during Summer:

1 – Ditch the red velvet – You might not be wearing velvet but try wearing less heavy fabrics and more breathable cotton outfits.

2 – Wear light colours – It’s a little known fact that dark colours, in particular the colour black, attract the sun and can make you feel hotter than normal.  If you wear lighter colours you are less likely to feel so hot.

3 – Ditch the egg nog and drink plenty of water – Water will keep you completely hydrated during high temperatures.  Many nutritionists recommend drinking at least 2 litres of water everyday (roughly 8 glasses) so ensure you stay hydrated this summer and drink plenty of water.

4 – Stay in the shade – A little sunshine is great for us, but when we start to get too hot, the best thing to do is to either go indoors or stay in shaded areas.  The highest temperatures are typically between 2-4pm so keep that in mind.

5 – Wear a hat – No, we don’t mean a Santa hat for a change! Try wearing a beach hat or even a cap to protect your head and shade your face from the beaming sun.

6 – Wear SPF –  We can’t stress enough how important it is to wear sun protection. We would recommend a minimum of SPF 30 but many brands even sell SPF 50. Reapply as often as you can and your skin will feel cool to touch.  Gone are the days of sticky SPF – you can now buy SPF that feels dry on the skin.


7 – Sometimes no matter what we do, we still feel thirsty – Try sucking on ice cubes which of course are cold and hydrating at the same time.

8 – Take a cool shower – As tempting as it may be, try not to run a cold shower or bath. Cold water sends your body into shock and will actually start heating itself and make you sweat. By turning the temperature down slightly more than normal, you can enjoy a cool shower without sweating for the rest of the day.

So that’s all of santa’s tips on keeping his cool this Summer.

Do you have any tips? Feel free to leave us your comments below or you can tweet us @underxmastree

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