Every year, we look forward to the hundreds of Christmas television advertisements. During the 1960’s, television became more and more popular, with the majority of homes across the UK owning a TV set, however the main form of advertisement was not via Television, it was via magazines and newspapers.
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Most of the Christmas Adverts from the 60’s were of soft beverages, with Pepsi, 7up and Coca Cola among the most popular.
Who doesn’t look forward to hearing the familiar sound of “Holidays are coming” on our television screens, but back in the 60’s people would await the Christmas magazine advertisements, for example, here is the Coca Cola one from 1963.
You can see the Iconic Santa Claus at the fireplace reading a book while some children peak behind the door to catch a glimpse of their hero.
Following onto that is the Pepsi advert from 1961…
The image shows a young boy with his parents in front of the Christmas tree (which is covered in Lametta – Hands up if you loved using Lametta but hated the fact that it broke your vacuum cleaner!). The image shows a train set that the boy obviously received from Santa Claus while his parents sip on a bottle of Pepsi.
Other advertisements were also released such as Alcoa Foil where the advert encourages you to decorate using the material…
The image is brightly decorated with beautiful lights and a brightly decorated street.
Last but by no means least is the Kodak Christmas advertisement from 1969…
This shows the first ever instant camera and explains the four designs and how they would make the perfect Christmas gifts. The advert also shows Santa Claus whispering into a woman’s ear – most likely telling her the secrets and magic of Christmas!
How have the adverts changed over the years? Well nowadays a lot of our advertisements are television based and include animated scenes such as the John Lewis “Bear & the Hare” advert which of course is much more technologically advanced than in the 1960’s.
What were your favourite advertisements when you were a child? Get in touch below or tweet us @underxmastree.