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Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! – Happy St David’s Day!

Today is St. David’s Day and we’d like to shout out a big Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! (Happy St David’s Day) to all our Welsh visitors..

Celebrated every year on the 1st March,  St. David’s Day not only celebrates their Patron Saint it is also their national day and throughout Wales traditional dances and songs will abound.  Top of the list is sure to be ‘Land Of My Fathers’ the Welsh National Anthem (Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau).

The emblems of Wales are the leek and the daffodil many of which will be worn today as families gather to watch the parades throughout Wales.  The largest parade will be held in Cardiff,the capital city and the National St. David’s Day Parade will feature music, dance and of course dragons!

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

Will you be celebrating St. David’s Day?  You can get in touch using either the comments section below or the social media buttons.

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