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Give Socks This Christmas And Make A Difference

Socks are usually a cliche at Christmas – it’s the standard ‘I don’t know what to get’ scenario however with Stand4 Socks these bright and unique socks are not only cool but will make a difference in the world.

How does this work?

We spoke exclusively to the maker of Stand4Socks, Josh Turner, and here’s what he said: Stand4 Socks is a social enterprise that links everyday products, such as socks, with social causes and charity, giving ordinary purchases, extra ordinary purposes! Awarded Bronze as Great British Social Enterprise of the Year in 2015!

Bright socks have become a key fashion statement, a subtle way of expressing yourself and now what you Stand4. Stand4 Socks break the status quo, creating unique colourful, high quality socks, partnering with exciting charities that tackle social causes. Creating an innovative ‘buy one, give one’ model, one pair of socks plants 20 trees, whereas another vaccinates 6 kids against measles and so on. Creating a unique connection between two people in the world…all from an ordinary purchase!

We are partnered with charities and NGOs that work to tackle the United Nations Global Goals and have created socks for each of these goals. We are repositioning how charities raise their funds, in ways which reengage consumers – forget buckets in the streets, cold callers or 10% of profits models – each transaction should be both a social and business transaction. So StandOut, and show what do you Stand4!

Our unique socks, each pair is ethically made, and uniquely designed by myself- but most importantly creates a connection between two people in the world, as each sale has a ‘buy one, give one’ impact, for example:

1 pair – plants 20 trees
1 pair – vaccinates 6 kids against measles in Bangladesh
1 pair – provides 25 days education in Afghanistan
1 pair – 2x antenatal check ups in Uganda
1 pair – clears 2 metres of landmines in Laos
1 pair – provides entrepreneurship education in South America
1 pair – pays a child healthcare in Uganda
1 pair – provides 2 weeks education to a Syrian refugee
1 pair – 24 hours in safe house for women & family in Ethiopia

This festive season there will be no forced expressions of gratitude when friends or family receive socks as a gift.

Have you ever gave socks as a present? Share your comments below and don’t forget to share with our social buttons below.

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