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Happy New Year From Everyone At UTCT

Like most people all around the world, you’re probably more than ready to raise a glass and wish a fond farewell to 2021. So from everyone here at UTCT we wanted to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Unfortunately, this dreaded pandemic has continued on and has not just affected the UK but also countries throughout the entire world as well and it’s no wonder, that when we should have been looking forward to bringing in another year, most of us will be feeling a bit ‘Bah, humbug’!

However, always look on the bright side and, if you can, get together with family, friends and neighbours and make the most of the arrival of 2022! Hopefully this Christmas will see the coronavirus pandemic coming to an end and we can once again get together with family and friends.

If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s shown us just how much the people in our lives mean to us all.

From everyone here, HAPPY NEW YEAR!