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It takes how long to decide if we like a Christmas gift?

Research of 2,000 adults has discovered that it will take just 14 seconds to decide if they like a Christmas gift and whether it will be kept, returned or regifted.

Image of presents
Image credit: blickpixel via Pixabay

The research also found that 60% have at some point returned and even regifted items they have been given over the festive period with pyjamas ranked most likely to be sent back once the shops reopen and deodorant and shower gel sets often end up under another Christmas tree.

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19% stated they would be open about their disappointment and 69% will pretend they love it.

However, even though some find it hard to hide their disappointment, 84% are always thankful for receiving a gift – whether they want it or not. 43% are more likely to instantly love a Christmas present if it is personalised to them.

The research was commissioned by VistaPrint which has teamed up with psychologist Honey Langcaster-James, who has studied the importance of gift-giving, to comment on these findings.

She said: “Psychologically speaking, these findings are in line with what we know about how emotional the practice of gift-giving can be.

“Our emotional responses to gifts are often very quick and can almost seem to be instantaneous at times.

“This is because the meaning of a gift is far more important than the gift itself.

“The first impression we get when we open a gift, often impacts how quickly we respond to a gift’s meaning, and how we appraise its purpose and value.

“If someone sends you a gift that is aligned with your personality, or feels like it could only have been gifted to you, then there is a greater chance someone will instantly make a connection through the gift and its meaning.

“This is because a well-thought through gift shows it has been given through genuine care, rather than social convention.”

We’re sure no matter what gift you receive, you’ll always be happy someone took the time and effort to find and buy it!