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John Lewis Releases Top Toys For Christmas 2017

A mixture of interactive and coding toys are set to be predominant on Christmas wish lists this year as retail giant John Lewis releases its top toys for Christmas 2017.

With only 14 weeks to go, John Lewis unveils its predicted top ten must-have toys your children will be asking Santa for this Christmas including a real life robot, drones and of course LEGO, better get your credit card at the ready!

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John Lewis Releases Top Toys For Christmas 2017

Below are John Lewis’s top toy predictions for 2017:

1. Anki Cozmo Robot £199.99

Anki Cozmo Robot

2. LEGO Boost £14.99

 LEGO Boost 17101 Creative Toolbox

3. FurReal Roarin’ Tyler The Playful Tiger £149.99

 FurReal Roarin’ Tyler The Playful Tiger

4. John Lewis New Born Baby Doll £10.00

. John Lewis New Born Baby Doll

5. LEGO Creator 10254 Winter Holiday Train £74.99

 LEGO Creator 10254 Winter Holiday Train
6. FurReal Friends Makers Proto Max Interactive Pup £89.99

FurReal Friends Makers Proto Max Interactive Pup

7. Mini Deluxe – Micro Scooter £79.99

Mini Micro Deluxe Scooter

8. Meccano Robot M.A.X £139.97

Meccano Robot M.A.X

9. Waitrose Cash Register £20.00

Waitrose Cash Register

10. Aura Robot
Going full throttle with its Christmas shop both online and in store, John Lewis wants to make shopping a magical experience for both children and parents. The list comes after Argos and Amazon announced it’s most wanted toys for Christmas 2017 with LEGO Boosts featuring in both predicted lists.

You can shop John Lewis Christmas gift ideas and top toys HERE

Speculation has already started to grow about what this year’s JL advert might be (including our own: SEE HERE) and could this years top selection play any relevance?!

Share your thoughts and comments below on this years toy predictions.

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