It’s that time of the year again when supermarkets, garden centres and more UK stores are all getting ready for Christmas and our festive friends have already spotted some Christmas ranges.
Christmas chocs in Tesco alert
— ChrisMaguire (@editor_Maguire) August 20, 2019
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Tesco have already got Christmas sweet tubs & pouches in store and online. The pouches are currently £2.50 and the tubs are £5. SHOP NOW
A new record. Christmas tree display up, mid AUGUST. Wyevale Garden Centre! 8-)
— Steve Litchfield (@stevelitchfield) August 20, 2019
Wyedale Garden Centre have already got their Christmas tree's on display so you can get yours early.
CostCo are selling 2kg Quality Street tins, anyone else think this might just last Christmas day and no more?😂
— UnderTheXmasTree (@underxmastree) August 21, 2019
CostCo are next to get some festive treats as they are selling a massive 2KG tin of Quality Streets.
And so Christmas 2019 begins. On August 20th
— Mummy Barrow (@MummyBarrow) August 20, 2019
McColls also got into the Christmas spirit as they begin selling Christmas chocolate sweets in-store.
We're off to stock up early!