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Snow activities for the kids

It’s only a few week ‘s late, however, most of the United Kingdom has been covered in a blanket of snow and if the forecast is right Friday will see even larger amounts falling.

With this being said, kids are likely to be off school and very excited to get outside and build a snowman, go sledging or have a snowball fight.

Below are a few fun snow activities for the kids to do when playing outside:

Have a snowman building competition – a great way for both parents and children to play together. Have a kids versus parents competition.  A fun way to not only keep you warm but this can be great exercise for the family.

Get artistic – Fill an empty spray bottle with water and food colouring, head outside and start decorating the white canvas outside!

Create critters such as a caterpillar – Use your imagination and find leaf’s, twigs and other bit’s of nature to help create some cool critters.

Noughts and Crosses – this two player game can get kids laughing and playing for hours on end. Simply use a twig to create boxes and and see who can get three in a row.

For the birds – Why not string up some cranberry’s, popcorn or even cereal and help feed the birds in this cold weather.

Snowball throwing contest – Let’s see how far you can throw your snowballs. Make a target (just draw a circle with a twig in the snow) and see who can get theirs inside the circle.

Now the kids are sorted with fun activities to keep them busy playing in the snow all the parent’s have to think about now is the washing bill.

How are you keeping the kids busy over the snowy days? Comment using our easy comments box below.

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