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You can now buy Spreadable Hot Cross Bun

Firebox has just launched Spreadable Hot Cross Bun packed with honey and juicy rich fruits so you can enjoy this tasty treat all year round.

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Firebox Spreadable Hot Cross Bun
Image credit: Firebox.com

BUY NOW  Firebox Spreadable Hot Cross Bun £9.99

We always wondered why the humble hot cross bun should only be able to buy for just a few months and apparently so did Firebox as they’ve introduced SPREADABLE Hot Cross Bun, yes spreadable!

Now although we’re pretty sure it sounds similar to the Christmas mincemeat flavour, this sweet, spiced, sticky goodness of a bun is packed with lashings of honey, apple, orange, raisins and sultanas, yeah, we’re drooling…

Spreadable Hot Cross Bun
Image credit: Firebox.com

Costing £9.99 for a 220g jar, you can spread it, eat it, bake with it or spoon it straight from the jar, which is likely what we’ll do.